59 Alice in Wonderland Quotes to Send You Down the Rabbit Hole
Ready to go down the rabbit hole? These Alice in Wonderland quotes will send you on your journey! Looking back now, it seems like Alice in Wonderland was light years before its time. Lewis Carroll‘s fictional Matrix -like tale of a curious young girl with a quest for adventure and finding answers. Alice in Wonderland is a story many of us can relate to. Besides the brave heroin, fun characters, and magical world, there are many life lessons to be learned from this legendary tale. One of the greatest things about Alice is that she refused to let anyone else define what is impossible for her. Likewise, we should not care about what other people think is difficult. We should set high goals for ourselves and work hard to meet them. Though comfort zones may feel ‘safe’, never be scared to take risks. Be willing to take chances and be ready for whatever comes your way. Only by venturing into the unknown will you discover what lies on the other side. Just like Al...